Let’s Talk About Pain and Baby Steps

Let’s Talk About Pain and Baby Steps

by Cheyenne Robertson Bell

Six months ago, I was unable to get off my couch. I was in excruciating pain; more than I’d ever been in my life (and I had two babies unmedicated ?).

An MRI revealed I had a couple of slipped discs, degenerated vertebrae, and heretofore undiagnosed spina bifida (a hole in my spinal column).

The doctor said I needed surgery. I was devastated. Read more

DIY Technique for Sinus Drain

Sinus pressure due to a cold or allergies can not only be uncomfortable, but can lead to more severe conditions, including headaches, post nasal drip, sinus pain, fever, or infection. There are many home remedies that are effective in relieving sinus pressure. You can use a neti pot, humidifier, warm compresses, or a manual massage. In this video, Dr. Lain demonstrates how to do a manual massage to open sinus passages.



Dynamic Neurofeedback Therapy

Dynamic Neurofeedback Therapy

What is Neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback is a type of biofeedback that measures brainwaves, producing a signal to teach self-regulation of brain function.

It’s an effective method to improve your mental health and alleviate symptoms from ADHD, PTSD, brain injuries, and anxiety by weeding out automatic thought patterns that lead to discontent, self-doubt, and poor focus.  Read more